Bike Doctor

Our pop-up bike mechanic stall offering cycle health checks

Our Bike Doctor service is a compact, practical and easy way to help keep people cycling. Our mechanics set up a fully mobile mini workshop at your venue and provide free safety checks and minor repairs – such as servicing brakes, gears and punctures – to your customers, event guests, students or employees. Operating either indoors or outdoors, our fully-qualified cycle mechanics are popular with workplaces, schools, universities, sustainability and wellbeing programmes, and at events of all kinds.

To find out more or to request a quote please call 01904 951900, email or fill in the contact form below.

Bike Doctor Standard

One of our experienced mechanics attends to the bikes of your event participants, giving each cycle a safety check and making any necessary minor repairs. The attendant Bike Doctor completes an assessment form for each bike looked at – indicating, for the benefit of each bike owner, a judgement on the overall health of the cycle, the minor repairs which have been completed, and any further services recommended.

Bike Doctor Enhanced

This service includes everything on offer in the Bike Doctor Standard package, but with the added expertise of an additional mechanic. Due to management efficiencies, two mechanics can get through more than twice as many bike repairs as one, so if you expect a high level of interest, we would recommend Bike Doctor Enhanced. This package has proved well suited to university campuses, larger workplaces and popular cycling areas.

Bike Doctor Plus

In addition to the services detailed above, as a part of our Bike Doctor Plus package, our mechanics will be joined by an engagement professional who will be tasked with talking to all participants about cycling. This team member will provide advice on cycle maintenance, safe cycling, riding comfort, the suitability of different bikes, cycle security and more.

Speak to the Events Team

We have created and delivered a vast array of fun, professional cycling events throughout the UK. We are always happy to answer questions about those we’ve tried and tested, or work with you to create something unique.

To find out more or to request a quote please call 01904 951900, email or fill in the contact form below.

Cycling Events & Programmes

Have a question? Need a quote?

Please use the form below to contact Everybody's Cycling for more information about our events and activities.
  • Please provide as much information as possible about what you’d like us to deliver (e.g. date, duration, location, number of participants) if you’d like a quotation.
  • We have a lot to offer! Please indicate which of our products or services you are interested in (tick all that apply)